After 38 years of dedication and passion to the flooring industry, Beverley McFarlane, our very own ‘Queen of Carpet’ has hung up her hard hat and said farewell to Loughton. Her story is one of unwavering commitment, unparalleled expertise, and a lasting impact on those that have had the pleasure of working with her.

Bev’s long-term relationships helped us win such prestigious projects as Battersea Power Station (all three phases!), The Broadway, 251 Elephant Road and many, many others. Loughton Contracts has enjoyed much success over the last ten years and Bev has played a huge part, making a positive difference in all aspects of the business, she will be missed by everyone, and we are sad to see her go, she’s one in a million and impossible to replace.

Over the years, Bev honed her skills, transforming from an eager apprentice into a seasoned professional. Through countless architect’s consultations and main contractor installations, she became known for her meticulous attention to detail and unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. Bev’s expertise in selecting the perfect flooring solutions earned her a deserved reputation as one of our industry’s finest.

What truly sets Bev apart is her genuine care for the people she worked with, be the clients, colleagues, suppliers, installers, labourers or site security guards. Every project she undertook was not just a job; it was an opportunity to enhance someone’s home or workspace. Her empathetic approach and ability to truly understand her clients’ needs made her a trusted advisor and friend. She takes immense pride in transforming spaces and bringing joy to those who walked on the floors she provided.